Hi, I am José Obregón

I'm a Software Engineer focused on Web Development with solid experience on the FrontEnd. I use new technologies to build high quality software products for my clients or companies I work. As a Digital Nomad, I mix my profession with my passion: traveling.

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Skills and Competences

Web Development FrontEnd BackEnd eCommerce Mobile First SEO (Search Engine Optimization) A11Y (Accessibility) Testing (ISTQB) PWA (Progressive Web Apps) SPA (Single Page Applications) WebApps Design Patterns Data structures Agile Methodologies (Scrum and Kanban) Web Services Mobile Apps


JavaScript TypeScript VanillaJS Web Components ES5/ES6 HTML5 CSS3 Sass Python Ruby SQL Liquid Lodash BootStrap Material Design

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools

VanillaJS WebComponents ReactJS Styled-Component NodeJS Express Gatsby Angular Ionic GraphQL Git Webpack Gulp ESLint Docker Kubernetes npm/npx Yarn MongoDB Shopify Firebase Netlify GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Google Maps API Google Analytics GTM Swagger Chrome DevTools MySQL SQLite Microsoft SQL Server


Spanish (Native) English (Full professional) Portuguese (Elementary)

Contact Me

Jose Obregon joseobregon90@gmail.com Software Engineer Software Development ThirdLove Globant Sistemas Globales Siblings Software JavaScript ReactJS Shopify